Social Work and Elderly: A Glimpse in India


  • Mallikarjun A. Konnur



Indian Economy, Social works, elderly people


According to the 2001 Census of India, there is the pyamidic structure of population that means, there are more proportion of young people.  However the projection for 2016 by way of demographic transition indicates larger number of elderly people.  Approaching 80 million in number, India has the second largest population of elderly people after China.  In India, research on examining the socio-economic dynamics of elderly well being is gradually gaining ground, but access to good data continues to be an obstacle. Conventionally, there are two processes considered to be involved in the ageing of a population, i.e., ageing at the base and ageing at the apex of the population. The former results from a decline in fertility, the latter, mortality reduction among the elderly. There are many types of elderly people, such as urban and rural, employed in organized and un-organized sectors and working in public and private sectors. The elderly men and women also constitute a separate group. The solutions to elderly problems in India require various types of arrangements.  For example, the old age homes (for the destitute), Day Care Centres, Rehabilitation Centres, Ashramas or Vishranti Dhamas




How to Cite

Konnur, M. A. (2008) “Social Work and Elderly: A Glimpse in India”, Journal of Global Economy, 4(4), pp. 292–302. doi: 10.1956/jge.v4i4.110.


