Impact of TQM Concepts in Automobile Industry as a Strategic Advantage- A Review


  • Priyanka Vikas Rai SNDT UNIVERSITY
  • P N Mukherjee Professor and Chairperson EMBANMIMS, Vile Parle (W)Mumbai-400056



Strategic management, total quality management, automotive/automobile industry


TQM refers to a management process and set of disciplines that are coordinated to ensure that the organization consistently meets and exceeds customer requirements and achieve successfully its vision and mission. TQM engages all divisions, departments and levels of the organization therefore provides holistic approach.TQM companies are focused on the systematic management of data in all processes and practices to eliminate waste and pursue continuous improvement. The goal is to deliver the highest value for the customer at the lowest cost while achieving sustained profit and economic stability for the company. While every organization should implement its own specialized form of quality management, there are some basic core principles that guide every quality effort. The single most important element of quality management is the focus on the customer. During this quality process, we will strive frequently to hear from our customers. From this basic concept, that the customer is the ultimate determiner of quality, come the other principles of Quality management. All types of automotive industries have reduced costs increased process efficiency and improved the quality of their products and services by working to meet the needs of the people they serve through the application of total quality management (TQM) principles. Learning the principles and practices of TQM will help achieve outstanding results and enlist the support of top management in advancing this concept within the organization enabling area managers or supervisors to create a work environment that gets the best from its workers. The proof will be reflected in the results deliver to the customer. With growing global competition, quality management is becoming increasingly important to the leadership and management of automotive industry. Quality management principles provide understanding of and guidance on the application of quality management. By applying quality management principles, organizations will produce benefits for customers, owners, employees, suppliers and society as a whole.

Keywords: Strategic management, total quality management, automotive/automobile industry    

Author Biography

Priyanka Vikas Rai, SNDT UNIVERSITY

Persuing PhD in Management from SNDT University


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How to Cite

Rai, P. V. and Mukherjee, P. N. (2015) “Impact of TQM Concepts in Automobile Industry as a Strategic Advantage- A Review”, Journal of Global Economy, 11(4), pp. 311–324. doi: 10.1956/jge.v11i4.416.




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