Development of Optimum Portfolio for Investment in Oil & Gas Sector (Investor’s View)


  • Sumeet Gupta Dr. Sumeet Gupta Associate Professor Head- Center for Infrastructure & Project Finance, Research and Development Centre College of Management and Economic Studies UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & ENERGY STUDIES Energy Acres ,P.O Bidholi Via - Prem Nagar Dehradun -248007 (Uttarakhand) Ph: 0135- 2776091,2776093,2776095, 2102690, 91, 2694257, 201, 203 Extn: 201, Fax : 0135 - 2694204 Mobile : +91 7895617071,9536220716,9319899684 Email :,
  • Sourav Basak, Mr University of Petroleum and Energy Studies



Portfolio, Returns, Risk, Investment, Oil and gas, Stock market, India, Energy, Correlation


With establishment of International Solar Alliance in New Delhi and due to the push given to renewable energy by the current government India has opened new dimension for innovation, investment and industry. This government has made a significant effort to push India’s renewable energy ambition. Due to this push India is now the 4th largest wind power producer in the world only behind of China, USA & Germany. India has made record addition to the solar power capacity in last 5 years. Although the recently concluded Financial Year (FY19) has shown a dip in installation of solar power with only 6500MW installed in the year. With this trend in the country the researchers are focusing on the scenario of renewable energy in India. So, the papers which are recently made available in the public domain are concerned with the current scenario. The surge in renewable energy is a good sign for the nation as renewable is the future. Though the rising demand of the fastest growing economy of the world can’t be satisfied with this growth in renewable energy. In simply words, the growth of the renewable energy is not enough to sustain the growth of the Indian economy. This statement is supported by the growing dependence of India on imported crude oil. Dependence of imported crude oil has gone up to 83.7% in Financial Year 19 from 82% in FY18. Hence, it can be said that the oil and gas sector is not getting the required focus.

Development of an optimum portfolio to minimize risk and maximize return is required before taking any investment decision. Portfolio optimization is required when you think of investing in oil and gas sector as its one of the most volatile sectors. This study is focused on developing an optimum portfolio for investment in oil and gas sector in India. Hence, 11 companies listed on Bombay Stock Exchange is selected for the study. Risk and return of all the 11 companies are calculated. The companies are ranked according to their risk. Weightage of investment is assigned to the top 5 companies (with lowest risk).

The study has been conducted to construct an optimum portfolio of oil and gas companies using Markowitz Model. The study has been conducted on individual securities listed in Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The objectives of this study are:

  • Risk and return analysis of individual securities of oil and gas companies in India listed with BSE.
  • To identify the opportunities of investment in oil and gas companies and development of an optimum portfolio for investment in these companies.
  • To construct optimal portfolio using Markowitz Model.
  • To check whether Markowitz Model performs well in Oil and gas companies well in BSE or not.


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How to Cite

Gupta, S. and Basak, S. (2019) “Development of Optimum Portfolio for Investment in Oil & Gas Sector (Investor’s View)”, Journal of Global Economy, 15(2), pp. 110–130. doi: 10.1956/jge.v15i2.586.




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