Short Term Exchange Rate Fluctuations in India: An Exploratory Study


  • Chandan Singh Adhikari Dean, ITM Business School Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
  • J K Sachdeva Management Faculty Regenesys Business School



This paper does an exploratory analysis of factors responsible for the volatile fluctuations in the exchage rate of Indian rupee duirng the calendar year of 2013. The series Exchange Rate (RBI Reference Rate), MIBOR Rate, Crude Oil Pirce, Foreign Reserves, Gold rate and Nifty were found to be cointegrated and long run and short relationships have been explored by VECM.

Author Biography

Chandan Singh Adhikari, Dean, ITM Business School Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

Management, Dean


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How to Cite

Adhikari, C. S. and Sachdeva, J. K. (2016) “Short Term Exchange Rate Fluctuations in India: An Exploratory Study”, Journal of Global Economy, 12(1), pp. 36–49. doi: 10.1956/jge.v12i1.419.




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